Sunday, August 19, 2007


Long time friends of both Paul's and my family are the Clarks. Bryan used to pastor the Berean church in Broken Bow, where Paul is from, and now is the pastor at LincolnBerean. Bryan's wife, Patti, is an extremely gifted painter and just really creative in general.

- Patti, Mom & Ryan -

She took this picture...
... and made a painting out of it.

She came over the day we got home and presented us this unique and amazing gift!

And the card that she made to go with it is pretty amazing too!

It's a pretty amazing thing to see your very own child painted like that. I will never forget that moment and will cherish this gift forever.


angela said...

That painting is so beautiful!!

Mama Wood said...

Your right, Kristen, it is an amazing painting! Ryan is so precious just like his momma...

BecMama said...

That is so awesome...and moment in time that will never be forgotten. We're still planning on returning to L-Town in December-can't wait to meet lil' Ryan!